Authors, Favorite Authors, Life Events, New beginnings, Prose

An Evening with David Sedaris – My Competition

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a huge David Sedaris fan. I love his pithy, bittersweet, snarky essays. I have all his books – some in print, some on my Kindle, and some audio versions (and a couple books in one or two of those formats).

There’s really nothing better than the audio versions. Listening to him read his own books is a pure joy. The only thing that could top that would be to see him read in person – and I’ve had that pleasure twice.

An Evening With David Sedaris

Seeing him in person last week was even more rewarding after a year of isolation. He did not disappoint. He had us rolling in the aisles with his sassy wit. But the best thing about attending a David Sedaris reading is that he follows his readings with a Q&A session and a book signing. This is no quick dash of the pen, either. He takes his time chatting with each and every autograph seeker.

Which is how I came to receive writing advice from David Sedaris! I told him I’m a writer and asked for advice, which he instantly supplied. Then he asked what I write and I told him – humorous essays somewhat like what he does. He signed my book, chatted a bit with my friend, closed the book and handed it to me.

I was anxious to see his autograph, but I made myself wait until I arrived home. I sat down in anticipation, opened the book, and chortled out loud. What a perfectly David Sedaris-like inscription. And I’ll take that challenge, Mr. Sedaris. I’ll take that challenge!