Piercing the Darkness – a Poem
This poem is a result of my poetry class today. The prompt was to start your poem with “make of yourself a light” and use these words:
Cloud, final, villager, stretch, yellow, inexplicable
Make of yourself a Light
Shine Bright and pierce
The dark political cloud
That stretches across our nation
How did this come to be?
How could one small man
And his deluded minions
Divide and plunder my country?
Now every day, every hour
Is strewn with
lies and discord
prejudice and hate
So make of yourself a Light
Remind others of
The Beacon
This beautiful land once was
And will be again
The poet, Emma Lazarus
Wrote of the Torch that beckoned my ancestors,
Villagers filled with longing
As they sailed towards a better life
Today, we hold a vision, a yearning to reunite
This great nation
To feel again the promise of
A united states – from sea to Shining sea
I lift my Lamp beside the Golden Door
By holding in my hand
A Gleaming, pivotal Ballot
Historic in significance, momentous in consequence
So make of yourself
A Light, a Beacon of
Truth and Hope
Love and Unity
Make of yourself a Light
And Vote